Welcome to Kristine Best Wellness 

Vision Statement

Global transformation through wellness in totality.

Mission Statement

To coach and train people in the cause and prevention of dis-ease and disease, and in building good habits that transform lives.

Core Values of

Kristine Best Wellness

A - Act with honesty, integrity and equity

C - Collaborate inclusively

H - Help the team, organisation an stakeholders

I - Intrapreneurship - mastering growth

E - Ethical and moral behaviour

V - Vulnerability and humility

E - Ever-learning and curious

R - Respect yourself and others

S - Serve and support community and sustainability initiatives

LIBER8 System - Blueprint to Wellness

Kristine Best is the creator of the LIBER8 System - Blueprint to Wellness. The 5 principles of Life, Intuition, Best health and well-being, Empowerment and Resilience are based on Kristine's 8D approach to wellness. Liber8 - Blueprint to Wellness isn’t just a plan; it’s your personal journey to a life filled with happiness and health. It’s about leaving behind what makes you sick or sad and moving towards a life where good health habits guide you every day.


Inspirirng you through music

In additional to the LIBER8 System, Kristine Best is the creator of inspirational songs. Music is powerful and Kristine's lyrics are uplifting, delivering meaningful messages that build awareness and understanding.


Kristine Best, looking healthy and confident, dressed in a long sleeve black shirt, wearing her trademark cap, black to match of course. Her long hair hangs freely over her shoulders.

Hello Health & Wellness Seekers

Feeling you could achieve more for your wellness but need to figure out how? 

Are aches and pains and other health conditions stealing your joy and quality of life?

I help people and organisations eliminate the issues that cause pain and disease, enhance productivity and wellness, and save money.




Be your best with Kristine Best.

How would you like to receive my help? View the options below.